Questions and answers

How can tuition be paid?

The tuition fee is paid by bank transfer to the CMI – ESMA account maintained with Česká spořitelna, a.s., account number 140771309/0800. In order to correctly identify your payment, you must enter your birth number as a variable symbol and enter the student’s name in the text for the recipient. Alternatively, you can pay in the office of the school in cash.

Workload does not allow me to participate in all the lectures, but can I enroll in my studies?

Participation in lectures is not compulsory, except for training subjects. Students can study the subject matter in a self-study study and the presentations they have at their disposal.

How much is the basic study literature to be borrowed in the library?

Basic study literature is included in the tuition fee. Students will receive the necessary materials as a rule when they begin teaching each new subject. The lectures used in the lectures are also available in electronic form. In the interest of borrowing additional literature, they can use the services of the school library.

How are students’ knowledge tested?

The knowledge of the students required by the curriculum is examined through tests of a different nature. The most common types include written tests, oral examinations or case studies. The form of the examination is announced to the teacher at the beginning of the course.

How long does it take for students to have a lesson plan?

The current syllabus is available to students for the semester in advance.

Does the school provide school tuition literature?

For each subject we distinguish “Basic Study Literature”, which is included in the price of the tuition fee and which is provided by the school in printed or electronic form (this literature can be also prepared lectures of the lecturer) and “Supplementary Study Literature”, which at its own discretion students take on their own costs. Teaching is always supported by basic study literature to the extent necessary for passing a test on the subject.

Do you also offer a remote form of study?

Students who are unable to attend regular classes and exams for serious reasons can offer an individual study plan. At the written request of the student, the school in such a case individually sets the binding deadlines for fulfilling the study obligations. This can be solved, for example, by situations involving long-term residence abroad, posting on work placements, pregnancy or maternity.

It is necessary during MBA study region to travel to the school headquarters in Prague?
All lessons, including regular exam dates and diploma exams, are conducted in learning areas in the regions. The journey to the CMI headquarters in Prague is only necessary for the defense of the diploma project at the end of the studies or for the purpose of taking part in the correction test.